9 research outputs found

    Implementation and unification of the ERP system in a global company as a strategic decision for sustainable entrepreneurship

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    This article considered factors connected with the implementation and unification of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, and their influence on the sustainable development of global companies. It showed a cognitive model on such impact and gave an example in the form of a case study of a global company listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange. The basic strategic objectives of each organization include long-term growth and sustainability. In a growing competitive environment, it is essential to manage the company effectively. This can be achieved provided that the company's organizational structure and operations are properly set from the point of view of the ERP system. The research results were aimed at creating the generalized process of the ERP system's gradual implementation, to make the development of an organization progressive. The paper was focused on describing the implementation and unification of the Enterprise Resource Planning System, in a global company listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange. The aim of the paper was to monitor and evaluate, the links between Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management. This process is time consuming and costly. To achieve the aim, the case study was carried out in the form of an expert survey aimed at assessing the impact of the unification and implementation of the ERP system in a global company. The study included methods of systemic analysis, methods of sociological expert survey, a method of qualitative peer review, and a method for a cognitive model. It leads not only to effective management of global companies but enables the monitoring and comparison of Key Performance Indicators and the Net Promoter Score in each country, using the same parameters. The implementation of a unified Enterprise Resource Planning system leads to a significant cost reduction and has a positive impact on the financial indicators reported on the stock exchange. This study highlighted the importance of the implementation of an effective ERP system, to make the development of organizations sustainable.Web of Science108art. no. 291

    Analysis of Barriers to Using E-auctions in B2B Market

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    Import 30/10/2012Téma mé bakalářské práce je Analýza bariér e-aukcí na B2B trhu. Výzkum byl prováděn pro firmu NAR marketing, s.r.o. a zpracován pomocí elektronického a telefonického dotazování. Cílem výzkumu bylo analyzovat bariéry bránící rozšíření e-aukcí a zjistit tržní postavení firmy.The theme of my thesis is the Analysis of Barriers to Using E-auctions in B2B Market. The research was conducted for the company NAR marketing, s.r.o. and processed using electronic and telephone interviews. The research objective was to analyze the barriers to deployment of e-auctions and determine the market position of the company NAR marketing, s.r.o..116 - Katedra marketingu a obchoduvelmi dobř

    The best practice of CRM implementation for small- and medium-sized enterprises

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    The biggest key aspect to the success of a business is a satisfied customer. For this reason, it is possible to state that the growing trend of focusing on the customer and his/her needs has prevailed in recent years. The aim of this article is to analyze the use of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Czech Republic and to find the determinants for CRM system implementation. The best practice for CRM implementation suitable for SMEs is clarified using a specific case of a global enterprise. A fully functional CRM system can be considered a competitive advantage, and this is not only the case for global companies, but also for small and medium enterprises. Using a functional CRM interconnected with an ERP system, enterprises are able to manage business and direct marketing activities, as well as the company’s overall profits. These functional systems lead to an integrated system called funnel management, which improves customer relationship management and leads to a sustainable business.Web of Science91art. no. 2

    Funkční genomika jaderných receptorů a jejich kofaktorů: Jaderné receptory propojují metabolismus a vývoj

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    The aim of the study was to contribute to the understanding of regulatory functions of nuclear hormone receptors by studies focused on a group of multiplied nuclear receptors present in the genome of Caenorhabditis elegans, specifically nhr-40 and nhr-60. The work presented in this thesis was a part of an effort to characterize the selected nuclear receptors systematically by means of Caenorhabditis elegans functional genetics and genomics. Studies constituting this thesis were meant as an application of proteomics in the functional analysis of the selected nuclear receptors in the frame of the complex biology of Caenorhabditis elegans. The proteomic scope of this thesis was aimed at understanding of the selected receptors at the level of the protein, the protein nature, localization and dynamics as well as the proteomic characterization of the consequences of the protein loss of function.Institute of Inherited Metabolic Disorders First Faculty of Medicine Charles University in PragueÚstav dědičných metabolických poruch 1.LF a VFN v PrazeFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Functional genomics of nuclear hormone receptors and their cofactors: Connection between metabolism and development by diversified nematode nuclear hormone receptors

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    The aim of the study was to contribute to the understanding of regulatory functions of nuclear hormone receptors by studies focused on a group of multiplied nuclear receptors present in the genome of Caenorhabditis elegans, specifically nhr-40 and nhr-60. The work presented in this thesis was a part of an effort to characterize the selected nuclear receptors systematically by means of Caenorhabditis elegans functional genetics and genomics. Studies constituting this thesis were meant as an application of proteomics in the functional analysis of the selected nuclear receptors in the frame of the complex biology of Caenorhabditis elegans. The proteomic scope of this thesis was aimed at understanding of the selected receptors at the level of the protein, the protein nature, localization and dynamics as well as the proteomic characterization of the consequences of the protein loss of function

    Business Organisational Structures of Global Companies: Use of the Territorial Model to Ensure Long-Term Growth

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    In today’s turbulently expanding business environment, during the fourth industrial revolution, it is necessary to respond to market trends and to adapt strategy and organisational structure appropriately. The article is focused on the reorganisation and optimisation of the business organisation structure of global companies. The purpose of this paper is to analyse and evaluate the use of the territorial business structure, within the framework of a global company, based on experimental research. Experiences with the introduction of a territorial organisational structure in a corporate enterprise have proven to be highly effective long-term, with productivity and sales volumes increasing. This territorial setting can be considered as a competitive advantage, which matches predicted market trends and is suitable for global businesses

    Transgraniczna przedsiębiorczość w euroregionie Beskidów

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    In today's dynamically evolving competitive environment, characterized by uncontrollable globalization, the beginning of digitization of phenomena and processes or the shared economy result in the deepening of the fourth industrial revolution. In this competitive environment, it is necessary to focus on regions where the socio-economic development of the area is less effective. The aim of this paper is to analyse cross-border entrepreneurship in the Euroregion Beskydy from the viewpoint of Czech and Polish business entities. This paper integrates the study of influences on cross border entrepreneurship, authors use the questionnaire survey and structured interviews as well the influences are systematically compared and to move this we use multi-criteria decision analysis. Results indicate that the important areas in the Euroregion Beskydy that need to be focused on, in order to remove the barriers to cross-border entrepreneurship, has been defined as sustainable and responsive to the current business environment.W dzisiejszym dynamicznie rozwijającym się środowisku konkurencyjnym, charakteryzującym się niekontrolowaną globalizacją, początek cyfryzacji zjawisk i procesów lub wspólna gospodarka powodują pogłębienie czwartej rewolucji przemysłowej. W tym konkurencyjnym środowisku konieczne jest skupienie się na regionach, w których rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy obszaru jest mniej skuteczny. Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza przedsiębiorczości transgranicznej w Euroregionie Beskidy z punktu widzenia czeskich i polskich podmiotów gospodarczych. Dokument ten integruje badanie wpływów na przedsiębiorczość transgraniczną, autorzy wykorzystują ankietę i ustrukturyzowane wywiady, a wpływy są systematycznie porównywane, a aby to zmienić, korzystano z wielokryterialnej analizy decyzji. Wyniki wskazują, że ważne obszary w Euroregionie Beskidy, na których należy się skupić, w celu usunięcia barier dla przedsiębiorczości transgranicznej, zostały zdefiniowane jako zrównoważone i dostosowane do obecnego otoczenia biznesowego.Web of Science18233732